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Expect the best, and accept no substitute.
So, buy your new Porsche now before you are basically over paying for an Audi.
But is it bad.....
grant - Wednesday, 16 November, 2011, at 12:12:59 pm
..for the new car to be a Lamborghini derived, mid-engined, superbly reviewed, V8 or V10 powered, platform?

I also prefer, overall, Porsche engineering. I have both and have wrenched on Audis -- mostly recreationally - for 20 years. But the R8 is darn good. And the motor is where God intended.



I'm ok with that..for now...
Eric (Plug Guy) - Wednesday, 16 November, 2011, at 1:43:32 pm
Owned an '06 A8L after years of Mercedes sedans (wife mobile), just traded it on a '12 A8L over an S550 or BMW. I find the Audi to be a well-engineered all wheel drive beast and I love the fit and finish over nearly any vehicle I've ever seen. I say, let 'em play.
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