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Out of Touch (NBC)
db997S - Friday, 2 March, 2012, at 9:58:37 am
So, this Wall Street Hedge Fund exec who lives in Brooklyn is complaining that he can't live on his $350,000 salary because his bonus has been cut to a paltry $125,000. This isn't a joke. He was complaining about all this stuff and said that he had to drive "the Volkswagon of Super Cars," which turned out to be a 997S Cab. Don't think it was a jab at the VW takeover of Porsche, but rather a jab that the 997S Cab is considered "The People's" super car. Sorry, read it yesterday and can't find the link today. It was on Yahoo News. Kind of hit home since I drive that car. Love these posers who make money and just check off the boxes of what they are supposed to be doing. This dude pays $17K a year to care for his two dogs, sends one of his two children to a $32K/year grade school, spends $7,500 per year of his country club, etc.
Re: Out of Touch (NBC)
Guenter in Ontario - Friday, 2 March, 2012, at 10:52:08 am
All things are relative.

Someone earning $20 K a year will have a whole different perspective on life than someone who's earning $1M a year.

Anyone who gets an increase in salary/pay will enjoy it.

Nobody is happy to take a pay cut.
He is doing us a favor
mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC - Friday, 2 March, 2012, at 5:50:18 pm
helping to eat the big depreciation on the cars some of us buy used years later.
+1 *NM*
Roger987 - Sunday, 4 March, 2012, at 8:54:56 am
I say, "Let him eat cake!" *NM*
Laz - Friday, 2 March, 2012, at 11:32:57 am
Minus 40 degrees... Is that Fahrenheit or Celsius?
Here's the article...
CarreraLicious - Friday, 2 March, 2012, at 7:37:49 pm
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