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Vanity Plate Choices
KevinR-MedinaOhio - Tuesday, 20 March, 2012, at 9:22:21 am
Am still considering what the new ride will wear, so I went to the internet for suggestions and thought I'd share them w/ you.

P-Car Vanity Plate (Mostly 911s)

Commercial Plates

Generic Plates

Porsches Only

From Youtube

Driving a new-to-me '09S in Aqua Blue Metallic. It does .5 past light speed. I made the Kessel run in less than 12-parsecs.
Motto: If you have your top up, that storm outside had better have a name!
Motto 2: Having the top up on a convertible is an oxymoron. Don't be a (oxy)moron.
What a succinct form of clever expression plates can be!
Laz - Tuesday, 20 March, 2012, at 10:08:55 am
There are so many good ones, and I've yet to read them all, but a few are outstanding: CAMALOT, AKA911, IXXI. The binary ones are interesting, and I'm astonished that TARGASM was ok'd.
I2XLR8's owner might've applied for IXLR8, but that one's been in use in at least one state. Decades ago a car magazine had a picture of a Miura, I think, with it.
PANACHE reminds me that I considered a vanity plate for my new Boxster, but decided to stay with the standard issue. Last I checked, it's available in New York State: LAUDACE. (Imagine an apostrophe after the L.)
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