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My First Boxster Waves
KevinR-MedinaOhio - Friday, 18 May, 2012, at 3:43:10 pm
A couple Saturdays ago I was on-foot (no, Marc, the car wasn't in the shop tongue sticking out smiley) and a yellow, <05 Boxster drove past. I gave the occupants a thumbs up and I got grinning smiley grinning smiley from the occupants.

Today I was driving into work and the driver of a yellow '07S who lives near me saw me and waved. He got a thumbs up in return. Shortly thereafter, I passed a maroon <'05 and I waved to him.

Driving a new-to-me '09S in Aqua Blue Metallic. It does .5 past light speed. I made the Kessel run in less than 12-parsecs.
Motto: If you have your top up, that storm outside had better have a name!
Motto 2: Having the top up on a convertible is an oxymoron. Don't be a (oxy)moron.
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