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Changed Tranny fluid
John B in SC - Thursday, 6 December, 2012, at 11:13:52 am
Just replaced the manual transmission fluid on my '99 Boxster with 71K. Pretty sure it's the first time it was done. As projects go, this was really easy once I got the right tools. Most of the time when I'm working on the car I think those Germans are rather smart in their design, but every once in awhile I've got to ask myself "What they heck were they thinking?" Like on this project - what is up with using a 16mm triple square and a 17mm hex on the plugs? Just plain stupid. Used the Porsche OEM fluid to refill - it must be liquid gold based on the price.

I also wish someone had warned me how bad that fluid was gonna smell that came out. I'ld have left the garage door open and a fan going. Still trying to track down a rag or two that got some of that fluid on it. Wife keeps asking what died in the garage!!.

Anyway, between the new motor mount and the new fluid the shifting does seem a bit smoother. Still a bit notchy with the B&M short shifter, but I'll live with that for the shorter throws.

Changed the engine oil and cut open yet another filter to find all still appears well with the IMS bearing. Because I track the car, I wind up changing the oil pretty frequently - probably cut open 10 filters over the last couple years and am always happy to see no metal. (Hope I'm not jinxing myself!)

Put on the hardtop and the AS tires and I'm good to go for the winter.

Here's a picture from earlier in the year at the new Atlanta Motorsport Park. Lots of turns and elevation changes. First event after I had the ROW M030 suspension installed. Made a world of difference compared to the old worn out suspension.

See my other pastime at www.gothamcityracing.net
You know, that could be a line in a movie ! winking smiley *NM*
Roger987 - Thursday, 6 December, 2012, at 12:10:28 pm
cool pic *NM*
newt - Tuesday, 11 December, 2012, at 9:31:56 pm
Re: Changed Tranny fluid
steve_wilwerding - Wednesday, 12 December, 2012, at 9:14:40 am
My absolute favorite part of the job is measuring the fluid 11 mm below the fill hole - my question - why didn't they just make the fill hole 11 mm lower, and fill until full?
Minus 40 degrees... Is that Fahrenheit or Celsius?
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