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And beer in the lunchroom! *NM*
Laz - Wednesday, 27 March, 2013, at 10:16:11 am
Porsche owners, BMW owners..... they all think their (our) cars are built by some sort of elite gnomes dedicated to some perfection ideal.... that our cars take longer to make because each worker labors over turning that screw just... right... nope back off...... ah that is it. BS. When do we punch out? Why is the beer not cold today? Did you see that new frouline in paint? Whew! Schnitzle worthy!

I love our brand but they are cars.... assembled by union guys doing a job.

Bruce in Philly
And, speaking of beverages:
Laz - Friday, 29 March, 2013, at 2:11:48 pm
But before we guzzle, a toast!
Laz - Friday, 29 March, 2013, at 8:46:22 pm

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2013 08:47PM by Laz. (view changes)
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