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Did you get ask and/get any information as to whether they are or not. It's no big deal to me, but unless I haven't deciphered the owner's manual's Germ-english correctly, they are ordinary intermittents. I didn't notice it raining in my garage; maybe it's the humidity...
Who knows, it's all so confusing
Joanne in OC - Monday, 1 April, 2013, at 9:50:22 pm
But, from the questions I asked, they told me they are intermittent. I figure if I get the rain sensor, that's ok. It doesn't rain too much here. Due to California drivers not knowing how to drive in the rain, I leave the Boxster safe and sound in my garage on those days. ..... I didn't research it too much, because it really didn't make a difference to me and I wasn't going to pay extra for it.

Delete. (Messed up an edit and did a duplicate post.) *NM*
Laz - Tuesday, 2 April, 2013, at 7:59:09 am
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2013 08:08AM by Laz. (view changes)
Thank you.
Laz - Tuesday, 2 April, 2013, at 8:06:34 am
I didn't hit any rain driving through California last year, but I got the impression the residents drove with the best combination of deliberateness (not aggression) and courtesy I've seen anywhere. LA was surprisingly easy to get around in. Many years ago I came into LA on one of the interstates during a rush hour. Everyone was nearly bumper to bumper at a steady 70 mph, which I admired. Of course, that would be an issue in the rain.
Rain sensing wipers
Roger987 - Tuesday, 2 April, 2013, at 9:44:12 am
My 13 year old BMW 5 series has them; my 987 doesn't.

I like them - a feature one comes to appreciate over time and misses when it isn't there.

Not vitally important, but desirable.
which when I drive in the rain always seems to be not enough wiper action or too much.

The 996 has the rain sensing wipers which have a pretty wide adjustment range. I can set the sensitivity to give the right amount of wiper action in light drizzle all the way to cloud burst.

Even when set for light action if a vehicle sprays the windshield with water or I run into a heavy downpour the wiper action picks up momentarily and under heavy rain fall conditions reach max. high speed.

Very nice.
This was discussed way back when on PPBB, and specific VW part # might be available there.
VW part is here
Boxsterra - Saturday, 6 April, 2013, at 11:05:34 am

I use it and it works great.
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