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Autobahn USA!
Bobtesa - Wednesday, 24 April, 2013, at 9:04:34 am
This link (hope it works) in the Washington Post this a.m. proposes making a local (to me) toll road in Maryland into an autobahn. Nice logic, good idea, my heart is racing.

Re: Autobahn USA!
MikenOH - Wednesday, 24 April, 2013, at 11:03:48 am
I have used that road several times in the last couple of years to visit relatives in the Olney area coming in off of 270.
It's one of those amazing toll roads that looks like it took billions to build.
Having said that the notion of the Maryland bureaucrats allowing triple digits speeds in that section in my view is as likely as men walking on Mars in the next couple of years.
Re: Autobahn USA!
Bobtesa - Wednesday, 24 April, 2013, at 8:58:33 pm
Good guess, my recollection is that the road was $2.4 billion. And it does look like it - nice road. It started with a 55 mph limit which was a joke because it is not highly used and visibility is excellent everywhere. The limit is now 65, but it could easily be 75. For sure, no way will it every be a high speed road.
Not quite Autobahn speeds
mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC - Thursday, 25 April, 2013, at 10:29:22 am
But NC legislature is talking 80.

When you drive a car with an instantaneous fuel economy display, you suddenly realize just what every 10 MPH costs you even with a car optimized for low air resistance. I've caught myself doing 5-10 MPH less than the speed limit where there is no traffic and no hurry just to see the meter jump.
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