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Wall Street Journal May 29...

"Mr. Müller said.......... In another nod to Porsche purists, it also plans to build a more powerful and lightweight version of its Cayman, called the GT3, he said."

The overall point of the WSJ article is about how Porsche will attempt to keep its sports car image while sports cars are a smaller and smaller percent of their models sold.

Sounds to me that the 911 is becoming a wealthy man's Grand Touring car and they are moving the real racing, hobbyist car to the more affordable and mid engine Cayman.

What am I missing?

An earlier article from an AU mag...

Aussie Mag

Bruce in Philly
Re: Cayman GT3 ? ! ! Two sources....
BoxsterBob - San Carlos - Wednesday, 12 June, 2013, at 10:42:44 am
"When pushed further about the likelihood of it appearing, however, the engineering boss smiled and said that “I like mid-engined cars…"

Don't we all! smileys with beer

Car Advice Article
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