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Ignition Key Replacement
Andy from Newport - Sunday, 14 July, 2013, at 1:03:25 pm
I need to buy a new car key. Dealer wants $400 (including programing). Is there a less expensive way to do this?
wish there was something like this for 2007
Why do you need a new key? *NM*
Boxsterra - Sunday, 14 July, 2013, at 2:16:52 pm
Re: Why do you need a new key?
Andy from Newport - Tuesday, 16 July, 2013, at 11:34:36 am
I lost the old one. Dumb Me!
In that case, I agree with thom4782
Boxsterra - Wednesday, 17 July, 2013, at 9:10:00 pm
Purchase the key head from a discount dealer, such as Sunset or Suncoast and have it programmed for cheap from a local shop.

I opted for the Carrera GT key head because it is a superior design and at the time it was only $10 more. My original key only has two buttons, like the Carrera GT.
Re: Ignition Key Replacement
thom4782 - Monday, 15 July, 2013, at 1:07:56 pm
If the key electronics failed, buy a head head from Sunset. They see if you can get an independent shop to program it. You'll need to get the key code from the dealer. BTW: it takes 15 minutes to do the programming.
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