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boxsterd - Saturday, 24 August, 2013, at 8:26:09 pm
So I was involved in a fender-bender and my Boxster got some minor scratches on driver's side rear quarter panel as shown below. I waxed and buffed out as best I could. Is there something I can do to bring it back to "like new" without a repaint? I heard something about some special procedure where you apply touch-up paint and buff/blend. I don't care so much about the biggest scratch on the plastic bumper. I'm more interested in making "new" the scratches above the bumper line. Thanks.

Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S) - Saturday, 24 August, 2013, at 9:47:01 pm
It appears that the nicks/scratches above the bumper line are through the clear coat and beyond the silver. If it is not beyond the silver coat, you can use an abrasive to polish the white out. If it is beyond, you could do the following:

Buy touch up paint from your dealer and apply. Put it on thinly, and do many little dabs after each dries. As it dries, it gets thinner so wait until each layer is dry (maybe 1 to 2 hours between dabs). Don't worry about going beyond the scratch. Give it at least a day to fully dry. Then, using an orbital (that is what I would use but you can use a simple cotton towel) apply some strong chemical abrasive like Maguires Ultimate Compound. MUC is strong but does not contain aluminum or silica abrasives that usually define the label "compound" and will cut the paint gobs down faster than the regularly cured paint. That should polish down nicely while it takes out any other mars still left.

You can improve this greatly but I am not sure you can get it be perfect.

Good luck,

Bruce in Philly.
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