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Mid November topless drive
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 10:57:43 am
With temperatures well above average here yesterday, we decided to take the opportunity to get out for another topless drive. It was 45 F when we started out in the morning, but with the below freezing temperatures we've had for a few days, the road surfaces were still pretty cold. I actually felt the ABS kick in when I came to a stop at a damp intersection. We took some of our favourite windy back roads down to NOTL, with temperatures hitting 62 degrees by the time we got close to the lake. I only spotted one other Porsche, an older 911, who's driver returned my wave. Only saw three other convertibles with the top down, a Miata and 2 MGB's. We stopped to have a late lunch at the Old Winery restaurant. Nice atmosphere where you can watch your pizza being baked in the open fireplace.

Shadows were starting to get pretty long by the time we were ready to start back home.

Enjoy it while it lasts..
MikenOH - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 12:07:41 pm
Our burst of warm temps here will end late this afternoon in NE.Ohio, as severe storms are expected.
Re: Enjoy it while it lasts..
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 12:32:30 pm
Yup. We've got the same stuff coming our way with s**w mixed in for tomorrow. I'm keeping an eye on the weather and will likely put it into hibernation sometime in the next few weeks.

How about you?
Re: Enjoy it while it lasts..
MikenOH - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 1:15:29 pm
I have officially "hibernated" it. Next, I have to get the Blizzaks on the other vehicles.
Love the GT Silver, Guenter...
Rick (Nashville, TN) - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 12:24:45 pm
You have a stunningly beautiful car. Glad your weather is allowing some November 'Boxstering', and thanks for the beautiful pic!

Kind regards, -rick.
Thanks, Rick
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 12:36:12 pm
Reminds when we stopped for a beverage at a Tim Hortons yesterday, A couple with a Charger pulled in beside the car. They both got out of their car and started taking pictures of the CURVEN8R with their cell phones.
The lighting is ethereal. *NM*
Laz - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 2:21:11 pm
Re: The lighting is ethereal.
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 5:51:08 pm
Taken around 3 PM. Sun getting pretty low, shadows getting long all contribute to the lighting
Re: Mid November topless drive
Crooster - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 4:38:37 pm
We also made the run down to NOTL Saturday. Top up on the way down but once we got off the highway onto the Niagara Parkway it was time for some fresh air. A great lunch at the Charles Inn and a quick walk around the town and then top down all the way home to Cambridge. Great day but I fear it might be the last until next spring. :-(
Re: Mid November topless drive
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 17 November, 2013, at 5:54:13 pm
Glad you had a chance to take advantage of it. Every topless drive in November is a bonus. Could be the last, but you never know.
had s**w quite a few times.

Time to start doing the Spring dance, Doug.
Re: Bonus day Guenter wish I could have participated
BLKBOXS - Monday, 18 November, 2013, at 7:49:12 pm
Me too...we wish we were there .....This Sunday will be lights out...except for the battery maintainer of course.smiling smiley

Keep the faith for a sunny weekend next.smiling bouncing smiley

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