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I am still in mourning from BMW discontinuing Gummi Plfedge (sp?).... then I used the Wurth Rubber Care product and like it...... what is left? Recommendations? What every happened to just spraying on silicone?

Bruce in Philly
Re: Rubber Care? I can't find Wurth product.
nimrod - Friday, 27 December, 2013, at 10:45:07 am
Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S) - Friday, 27 December, 2013, at 12:56:40 pm
This Z1 stuff is a silicone product... I assume, but am not sure the original BMW Gummi Pflege was silicone also. I then switched to the Wurth stuff which was good but runny... BMW stuff was like Vaseline. Don't know.

Here is the data sheet on the Z1 stuff: [www.1z-usa.com]

Bruce in Philly
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