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Battery for key
Tom in Satsuma - Sunday, 23 March, 2014, at 12:57:30 pm
Does anybody have any info on how to change the battery in the key?
but you need to be careful. You have to carefully pry open the key module halves and carefully separate them. You want to avoid slipping and jabbing your finger or hand with something sharp and you went to avoid damaging the plastic case halves so they will fit back together again just like new.

Fitting them back together again can be difficult as my with my keys there is a small rubber o-ring that seals the interior of the key and you might want to reuse this o-ring.

Go out and buy a replacement battery then install it and snap the key module halves back together. If you are attempting to reuse the o-ring if the o-ring is stretched this can interfere with the halves fitting back together.

(I might mention after the 2nd or 3rd time opening the key module housing and each time dealing with the o-ring I just did away with the o-ring with no apparent bad side affects. However, I do not send the key through the laundry nor drop it into a puddle.)
Boxsterra - Monday, 24 March, 2014, at 10:33:24 am
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