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I'll entertain suggestions as to how to make it go away.
Roadkill + oven.
Ok, make that I'll entertain serious suggestions.

Here are two more videos:

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Seriously, I can't bring myself to harm the bird though as I told my sister the other day if I come out and find the thing sleeping on one of my cars it is going to wish it had stayed on the turkey farm. However, while I can't harm the bird I did submit another complaint to the Livermore Animal Control office asking this bird be removed.

Several times now some animal control people have been out, but they just stand around and watch the bird. I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't thinking if they wait long enough it will fly south for the winter.

The bird is a nuisance when I'm trying to leave the parking space. If I head straight for the driveway and the road it follows and I play heck getting out onto the street. The bird gets in front of the car and while it will move out of the way if I pull forward it just backs up it doesn't move to one side. Makes for a tough time finding a break in the traffic that is big enough I can get out.

To avoid this encounter I used to drive the other way -- away from the street -- after pulling out of my parking space, driving towards the leasing office with the bird running along side the car. Then I'd make a u-turn at the cul de sac in front of the leasing office and leave bird standing in a cloud of dust, well imagined dust as the road is paved.

But the darn thing is learning. Now just before the cul de sac the bird stops and waits for my car to come back around and then follows it to the street. Oh, the whole time now it is pecking at I guess the tires for I hear the dull thumps.

To discourage the bird from following me to the street and beyond I have to aim towards the bird and it moves back out of the way and then I can zoom away -- so to speak -- and leave bird behind.

You might think leading the bird out onto the street would be a solution, if you know what I mean. But if it follows my car (or another car) to the street and ends up out in traffic then sometimes even hours later when I come back home -- or I never left and it followed another car out into the street -- I spend hours listening to car horns honking at the damn thing. And I know it doesn't give a hoot make that a gobble about a car horn. Loud Harleys and diesel pickups with open exhaust though make it move back.
Roger987 - 9 years ago
I have to say, I think the turkey is adorable. Obviously, he likes you, and his tenacity is admirable. I hope he has a long and prosperous life.
I do have to say, I can't stop laughing. ..... So sorry for the dilemma but to see the videos, it's kinda cute smiling smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Can you catch it? or trap it? and then bring it to another neighborhood? I've done that with ferrel cats. But, you may have to take it quite a long way from your house if it's as smart as you say, since it likes you so much it'll find it's way back home.

Good Luck
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