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"A mile of highway will take you one mile. A mile of runway will take you anywhere."

for those who dislike double negatives, the new Escort, like the V-1, IS detectable by police radar detector detectors.

Who cares? Well, drivers in Virginia and Canada do.
It's annoying and counterproductive that the V-1 has so much falling, much of it to do with (I think) lane departure/auto-braking systems* on more and more vehicles. Apparently, the radar frequencies for those functions are too close to one of the enforcement bands to allow the V1 to discriminate . Hmm… could these systems "jam" police radar?
* Are these things speed dependent? It seems there's less of an issue with nearby cars on roads slower than interstates.
It's annoying and counterproductive that the V-1 has so much falling, much of it to do with (I think) lane departure/auto-braking systems* on more and more vehicles.

I received an updated version from V1 a few months ago. It's about 90% better than the older ones. Very few warnings from lane departure-braking systems.
for those who need stealth, this one works well.

I wonder if they worked around the patent or licensed it.

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