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I was at the Indy for my season end oil change and found....

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but Oil and Filter- good for another season of driving it like I stole it. hot smiley

Lucky, I just did my car's 6-year physical. With it, and a few bits and pieces (new transmission pan) they found, the bill came to $2,400, and I still have to take care of replacement of front driver-side tie rods, two rear tires (getting bald on the inside portions) and an alignment. So, looking at another $1,700 on Saturday. Good news, my credit card rewards program benefits from my car addiction. Bad news, all that's probably my birthday and Christmas presents rolled into one. While my wife isn't all too happy with the bills, she is happy about one less person to shop for this holiday season.
That's good news
Roger987 - 8 years ago
I'm convinced that 99 percent (or more) of the large IMS bearing engines (2006+) will not experience IMS bearing failure provided the oil is changed frequently (more than once per year) and the engine is 'exercised' regularly, in the manner you suggest.

(I'd be far more worried about the texting teenager taking out the entire back end of the car at a stoplight.)

Continue to 'drive it like you stole it' in good health, Mike.
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