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Celebrating 10 years of PedrosBoard!

Expect the best, and accept no substitute.

Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
EVO picks its car of the year using the roads in northern Scotland. It's not about the numbers. It's about how the car makes you feel and enjoy the driving experience. To me, it's what driving a sports car is all about.

The number of times the car puts a smile on our face, that is. winking smiley

By that measure, the Boxster reigns supreme.

"Here’s the operating procedure when driving a Boxster for the first time. 1) Approach driver’s door. 2) Wriggle down into low, low driving seat. 3) Fire up 3.4-litre boxer engine. 4) Drop roof. 5) Press Sport and Noisy Exhaust buttons. 6) Commence driving. 7) Negotiate first corner. 8) Immediately consider what to sell, steal or embezzle to have this in your life permanently".

I never realized that there was a number of smiles. My experience is the smile being a constant when driving the Boxster. winking smiley
twice, actually, when New York state's finest flipped on their lights and stopped me to take a closer look. For a moment or two, my smile waned, but not for long, as the officer walked round and round the car, grinning like a kid at Christmas...

"How fast will it go?", he asked:

"I can't speak from personal experience; I've read it's around 170 mph", I replied.

His response was to continue grinning and walking round and round, and back and forth.

The next Trooper, about 10 minutes later, apologized and said, as he walked around the car, "Well, if another officer stopped you 10 minutes ago, I'm sure not going to delay you further".

The smile is not only a permagrin, but it's infectious.

(In fairness to the two troopers, my 981S didn't have wear a license plate on either end, only a 3" x 5" temporary sticker on the lower corner of the windshield).
Triple permagrin complete with (free) flashing lights. OK, those are good numbers. cool smiley
2014, just north of Plattsburgh, NY, at the Canadian Border with US Border Patrol Agent "Sam"

That's a really great shot of your 981S, Laz.

The authorities like our cars...

Another great thing about your car is... you drive it... lots. Cheers! smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2015 09:48AM by Roger987. (view changes)
Thanks, Roger.
Laz - 8 years ago
We had a great conversation for about 45 minutes. I offered to let him drive, but he declined maybe because we were on at least one surveillance camera on each side of the border. He showed me pictures of a Mustang he and his son were fixing up.
Minus 40 degrees... Is that Fahrenheit or Celsius?
..and I'm glad I did. Absolutely beautiful locations, elegant cinematography, and totally awesome cars. Thanks so much for the 'heads up'. I thoroughly enjoyed the video.

Kind regards, -rick.
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