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Good morning folks! I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Yesterday i decided to add some power ports to the track car - basically a voltage converter with a few dedicated 5V USB ports on it to power say Harry's and an AIM or whatever. Lighter's are loose and there's only one, etc.

On many cars, under the dash near the driver's knee is the fuse and relay box, with lots of terminals available. Audis are particularly nice - with lots of bolts that have switched and un-switched 12V that one can tap onto neatly, and know what fuse one's dealing with.

While the fuses and relays are there on a 986, they are just bundles of wires, and not very available. Does anyone know of places that its easier to see and get at them? Or a simple way to truly get access (not 6 square inches while upside down under the steering wheel?).

For now i found one lonely red wire (12v, switched, not ideal) int he console - product of some earlier hifi work, and of course a bolt for ground. Its not the neatest, not un switched, and i don't know what fuse controls it (yet). But its in.

I'm looking for better. Any pointers?



I wonder if i even have one.... MY00 car....

Also running "up behind dash" if you truly mean toward the back, access is not easy.



Yes, on all 9x6s

behind center console:

you will find this (typically taped to floor)

Depending on what and where you want to wire, if you pop alarm light trim center dash, you can sneak a wire down along 'firewall' or across dash over to a-pillar.

Or from telephone plug to back of horseshoe (where existing cig-lighter) is fairly easy.

Good luck smiling smiley

"Cool Prius!"


seeing that plug. Now, my car is 1) old and b) a bit chopped up in the electronics department - fancy (quite good actually) stereo installed.

I found a dangling RF-11 jack, but recall seeing nothing like that. Sadly, after all that work, the cheap-$h1t, sent from china voltage converter with two USBs has one defective USB plug. I will likely be doing this again. That said, i'm getting pretty fast. Practice makes, well, let's not get carried away, less bad.



Grant, maybe I removed the lighter sockets back there.... but I did tap into power and those wires should be there... I probably covered them with electrician's tape. I just really don't remember. IIRC, I grabbed power from a wire there for the telephone option. These cars were pre-wired for an integrated telephone option and that was the most popular source of juice. The wire is definitely in there. Maybe some old timers here can help.

Good luck
Bruce in Philly
try this
Harvey in FL - 8 years ago
the cable connector is located behind the console...... the hack was used to add an additional outlet in my y2k bs

or this
Harvey in FL - 8 years ago
cigarette lighter removal for 986

(just to gain access to it's wiring, which is on its own, known, fuse and in a relatively good place)?????


Grant, assuming the '00 is still the same as '97-'99 in this regard, the oddly shaped plastic panel holding the lighter receptacle and several buttons just sort of pops off with a little careful prying from the side. You should then have easy access to the wires going into the back of it and tap into its 12V source.

...oh, to then remove the lighter receptacle... Not sure but with the panel off hopefully there's something obvious that clips it in place. Or, if you are totally done with it, cut out whatever is permanently retaining it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/26/2015 11:55AM by Trygve (Oakland, CA). (view changes)
it was a bit vague, but with your input, its consistent - and does not look difficult.



Cleanest way
Boxsterra - 8 years ago
Is to use one of the empty slots in the fuse box. Running the wires to the center console (if that's where you want the power) is easy.
Hi Grant,

If you are talking about the blue one, I had installed a set of lighter slots in the center console. That is where the radar detector power cord went to. I stuffed it in a sock so it wouldn't vibrate and never had a socket vibrate or loosen out. I think I put a three-socket unit in there. I put a socket with USB plug cord in there and passed it through into the little cubby by drilling a hole in the back of the cubby. I think I removed that cord when I sold the car, but there are a few empty sockets in there all powered and ready to use.

Bruce in Philly
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