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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
Either he's been reading my (and MikenOH's, Roger's and a few other's) posts, or Chris's idea of what's important in a sports car is very similar to ours. My guess is it's the latter.

...ya, he doesn't get this reference to the 718 either.

..and yes, I agree that the 2017 Boxster is still the best car in it's class ...but


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2016 02:25PM by Guenter in Ontario. (view changes)
YUCK.....wonder what he'll say about the electric Boxster drinking smiley

"A mile of highway will take you one mile. A mile of runway will take you anywhere."
OMG! Are we driving stereo systems? What idiocy
Well I went to a cars and coffee event a few weeks ago and saw this BMW i8 pull in. It was totally silent as it moved. No noise at all. Rather boring and I even heard others around me say how weird it was not to hear any sound from the car. Cars like the Lambo and the Porsche next to it were a lot more fun to see and hear pull in. Sound is part of the experience...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2016 07:43AM by boxtaboy.
(view changes)
Lot's of power, feels a bit more nimble, styling still good-- but the noise is God-awful.

I'm thinking the stock exhaust note is a god-send to aftermarket vendors like FVD and Fabspeed; whatever exhaust system they produce for this model will be an improvement smiling smiley.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2016 06:20PM by MikenOH. (view changes)
Lot's of power, feels a bit more nimble, styling still good-- but the noise is God-awful.

I'm thinking the stock exhaust note is a god-send to aftermarket vendors like FVD and Fabspeed; whatever exhaust system they produce for this model will be an improvement smiling smiley.

The only problem is, you can't make a "silk purse out of a sow’s ear". You might be able to make it louder, or change the sound somehow, but you just won't be able to make it sound like a flat six.

As Chris puts it, "And so what we have here is a car that has lost a good deal of its emotional appeal". Shouldn't that be what a sports car is all about? If I just want something to get me from here to there, there are lots of other choices out there. If I'm spending that much money, I want something that I'm excited to drive. ...and that I am, every time I fire up my Boxster.

As Chris puts it, "And so what we have here is a car that has lost a good deal of its emotional appeal". Shouldn't that be what a sports car is all about? If I just want something to get me from here to there, there are lots of other choices out there. If I'm spending that much money, I want something that I'm excited to drive. ...and that I am, every time I fire up my Boxster.[/quote]

That is exactly the point, Guenter. If you're not getting stirred up every time you drive the car, you've got the wrong sports car.

I wish. We do a Halloween party every year and there is usually a conflict with the NNJPCA date for that DE.
We will be at Mid-OH next May for the NNJ event for sure.
BTW, any chance you guys will be doing Pitt Race anytime soon? I hear it's a fun track and a bit closer your club members.
.. we recently added Palmer, which, brining our schedule to ten dull DE events, with 5 at 3 days, its a crushing burden to administer. I doubt we can fit yet another into the schedule.



And I agree with Mike, too - being 'moved' by your sports car involves a whole lot more than simply being transported from point A to point B.
... remove your hearing aid.
Problem solved!
Happy Listening,

Pedro Bonilla
1998 Boxster 986 - 312,000+ miles: [www.PedrosGarage.com]
PCA National Club Racing Scrutineer - PCA National HPDE Instructor - PCA Technical Committee (Boxster/Cayman)

Racecar spelled backwards is Racecar

"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting" ... Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney in "LeMans"

"If you wait, all that happens is that you get older"... Mario Andretti

"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose" ... Ayrton Senna
for those of us that don't have them yet.
This is by far the most comprehensive road test I've read, although the PANO ones were pretty good, but can't truly be trusted as "objective".

I wonder how I, and others, will feel in a few years. The car apparently IS better in many ways, and ways that can be involving, better chassis dynamics, better cockpit, and that shove that everyone's always looking for (recall the recent discussion about "how to make the car faster"). So I see the glass a more than half full, but maybe with an ugly bug floating around in it.

Like Mike, i suppose this will be improved in subsequent models. I also expect that we'll get to like it. I'm not wedded to the sound of flat-sixes, i also love the grumble of a great V8. Would i kick a 550 spyder out of bed for having a flat-4? Unlikely.

My reservations with the car, when i drove it, was more around the fact that the edges have been further polished, and the finger dyno and butt dyno get less and less information. Some of this may be that i normally pay attention to information when it says "something's wrong/sliding"; and this car is so darn stable that this doesn't occur as often as i t does in my time warp of a vehicle (all hail time warps).

But the music at full throttle, and hgih revs, is certainly one of thin things i love about my boxster, top down. On the track, now, i'll take another 100 lb-ft any day. Plus, who cna hear the exhaust anyway?

in any event, thanks for posting!



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