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Celebrating 10 years of PedrosBoard!

Expect the best, and accept no substitute.

Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
... after 20 years in Weston, FL, my wife and I have made the decision to downsize and move on.
So, we have our house under contract and will be relocating in less than 2 weeks to the Tampa Bay Area of Florida.
PedrosGarage is now closed for 6 weeks while we move all our stuff (and it's a LOT).
It's been very nice living in this part of Florida, and I've made many long-term friendships which I'm sure will last our lifetime.
All my contact information will remain the same, but I may not be able to post for a little while while I get everything back in shape again.
PedrosBoard is in good hand as well with Stefan and Guenter looking out for everything. Thanks, guys.
So, I'll see you "on the other side" of the State.
Happy Boxstering,

Pedro Bonilla
1998 Boxster 986 - 312,000+ miles: [www.PedrosGarage.com]
PCA National Club Racing Scrutineer - PCA National HPDE Instructor - PCA Technical Committee (Boxster/Cayman)

Racecar spelled backwards is Racecar

"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting" ... Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney in "LeMans"

"If you wait, all that happens is that you get older"... Mario Andretti

"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose" ... Ayrton Senna
Wow. Looks like a bunch of work ahead of you Pedro. I can imagine with all the equipment you have, it's going to be more than one truckload.

Happy moving.

Current: 07 Carrera S Cab - Midnight Blue/Sand Beige
Previous: 01 Boxster - (formerly boxtaboy), 86 944, Instagram: @Carreralicious
"A mile of highway will take you one mile. A mile of runway will take you anywhere."
Best of luck with the move.
Pedro, congrats on the move and downsizing. It is a difficult decision, but it will be rewarding as you will be closer to your children and grandchildren. Good luck with the move - it is definitely stressful.
moving from a 6 bedroom house plus office in the city to a 3 bedroom house in the city. So I appreciate just how long it takes to get things set up even without a garage and workshop in addition to living quarters.

May it go well.
Wow, good luck with the move. It is definitely quieter on the other side of the state
Tampa is a nice area. Good luck Pedro.
I winter in Bonita Springs. Where will your new shop be located should I need service?
Pedro Bonilla
1998 Boxster 986 - 312,000+ miles: [www.PedrosGarage.com]
PCA National Club Racing Scrutineer - PCA National HPDE Instructor - PCA Technical Committee (Boxster/Cayman)

Racecar spelled backwards is Racecar

"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting" ... Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney in "LeMans"

"If you wait, all that happens is that you get older"... Mario Andretti

"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose" ... Ayrton Senna
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