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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.

Pelican is like $150.00 more.
Other dealers like $70 more.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2020 06:04PM by JMstamford,ct. (view changes)
If it's the right part, why pay more elsewhere?
This one says it is manufactured by "Standard." Others say OEM or Porsche.
But looks like it’s a company that clones the original part. Not sure of the quality.


Company site: [www.standardbrand.com]
Wow, that demonstrates my point.

I understand profit margin. If they are making a profit at that price point, what corners are they cutting?

I also get this is not a life or death part, so I might take a flyer - but I really do not want to do this job again.
obviously there are parts that can break after 3 years but 3 years will cover a lot of issues since it's not really a wear item.
Out of curiosity
Boxsterra - 4 years ago
how did you arrive at the conclusion you needed the whole housing?
Still has the same symptoms.

It takes 10-30 seconds (depending upon temp) to release the tumbler and allow the key to be reinserted.
It is mostly a nuisance because it is rare that I need to reinsert the key within 30 seconds. But it will not get better over time, just worse.

And I have time to work on the car - so....
The aftermarket one will probably work, but I’d just go and get the OEM one. The original one lasted up till now, and you don’t want to do this job again. My 2 cents.
You may be right
Boxsterra - 4 years ago
but it's worth noting that improper installation of the electrical portion may also result in this symptom.
And It is not like the installation is particularly complex - even for a non-mechanic like me.
but if the part that turns is off when you put it in, it won't work right. Less likely to happen twice but not impossible. As I said, you may be right.
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