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I just noticed my 2013 Boxster S's Tire sealant had expired on 04/2016, (assuming that's what the date in the image means.) It should be replaced every 4 years.
The part number is at the bottom of the label, and is shared with Audi and VW. Anything for sale with this number must be way out of date.
There seems to've been a couple part number updates since mine was manufactured. This is a 600 ml bottle. The websites of Suncoast, Pelican, etc. have "official" and otherwise products, but are either vague about the amount, are 700 ml (that could be a fitment problem,) and none make a note of the stuff being fresh. I could call the retailers, but wonder if they'll be too happy to say it's recently made, or "yes, it's 600 ml," only to receive the wrong size, or that it expires in 6 months. I know the two retailers mentioned are reputable, but don't want to deal with a PIA return on the wrong product.

So, I'm looking for recommendations, including vouchers for Suncoast and Pelican.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2021 05:56PM by Laz.
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2021 07:28PM by Laz. (view changes)
I’ve never checked mine. Thanks for the reminder. I keep a plug kit in the car just in case too.
thumbs up *NM*
Laz - 3 years ago
I think the plug kit makes more sense.

The problem with the tire sealant is the mess it make on the inside of the wheel and likely forces you to replace the TPMS sensor in the wheel.
... and there are likely many of them, they will have a false sense of security after the expiry. Some may have the notion that installing a plug is more "complicated" than a perceived way 1-2-3 with the sealant.

I'll probably get a plug kit, too. A layered defense of sorts, as I've been in the middle of nowhere* enough times to be better prepared.

* There's a 100+ mile stretch from Bend to Burns, Oregon without a real gas station. I saw one roadside plywood sign saying in spray paint "GAS" with, I kid you not, a backward S, and not a building in in sight. eye popping smiley
I got the tire plug kit after I saw this video from Nick Murray where he tried to use the Porsche goo and it failed miserably. Lol.

True, but thinking about what a mess the cleanup would be after using that goop even if it works, I think I’ll just use the plug kit instead if I end up with a flat. smiling smiley
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