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Exhaust torque specs
tamarsha - Friday, 15 April, 2011, at 8:39:18 am
Yesterday I noticed the distinct ticking sound of an exhaust leak. A quick look under my ’03 S and I saw where one of the manifold bolts had started to back out of the head. I snugged it back up but this is the second time it has happened.

What are the torque specs for that manifold bolts and is there any secret to keeping them in place? I am running NPH headers with high flow cats, secondary cats have been removed and I have a Borla exhaust. The system does resonate pretty badly. It sounds like I have a bee hive in the ash tray the way the change vibrates in there. Could this harmonic resonance lead to the bolts backing out?

damaged the gasket on that side and the proper fix is to remove the bolts/manifold, clean/prepare the gasket surfaces properly and install a new gasket.


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