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exist and oftentimes won't ever exist. Car companies and Porsche is no different use teh automotive press to float trial balloons regarding 'new' models as just one means of trying to determine market reaction and the level of acceptance (or rejection) this 'new' model will receive.

IIRC early in the Boxster's life the big rumor was the next generation Boxster was supposed to be turbo-charged. I'm still waiting for that one.


of the third gen Boxster will still be a 6 cyl.

Now the interesting question becomes will people buy the 6 cyl for the tradition or will sales stall while people wait for the all but announced turbo-4 with perhaps more HP?

And who will be the first to transplant one of those turbo 4s into the lightweight VW/Audi/Porsche baby-boxster?
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