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Tomorrow may be the day...
JackintheBoxster - Wednesday, 3 October, 2012, at 12:17:32 pm
Recovery from surgery continues for my '01 base which recently had an engine transplant. Misfires have apparently ended as the gunk from two years of sedentary life at the shop and from the original engine's malfunction have been cleared out. Residual check-engine signals were apparently due to a faulty 02 sensor, which has been replaced, along with spark plugs. My mechanic drove it around last night, says the replacement engine is humming beautifully. Expect to pick up the car and take it to inspection (assuming exhaust issues are now resolved) tomorrow.
Good news--best of luck with it! *NM*
MikenOH - Wednesday, 3 October, 2012, at 1:28:35 pm
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