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As Etta James sang so eloquently, at last...
JackintheBoxster - Wednesday, 9 January, 2013, at 1:30:24 pm
It seems (knock on wood) my long Boxster saga may be over. For those of you following it, my replacement engine went into the car a few months ago after the engine died on I-95 and I waited for the indy I use here in DC to finish rebuilding other cars to get to me. There were a number of minor things that needed to be done after that -- sensors, fuel line clearings, etc. The only remaining problem was tremendous vibration because of damage to the tires from sitting in one place for a couple of years. Today I replaced those front tires and, with luck, my 130,000 mileage '01 base with an 80,000 mileage engine will be with me for a while.

Am driving it from D.C. down to the ocean this weekend to blow out the dust.
Re: As Etta James sang so eloquently, at last...
db997S - Wednesday, 9 January, 2013, at 3:15:49 pm
Enjoy. Drop the top as it should be in the mid 60s this weekend here in DC.
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