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How to remove old wheel weight glue/tape?
Bobtesa - Sunday, 9 June, 2013, at 11:52:25 am
I had new tires put on two months ago. I am now in process of taking my wheels off for cleaning and waxing, to clean the wheel wells, and treat the wheel well plastic pieces. I know the installer should have removed the old glue/tape when he removed the old weights while balancing the wheels, but he didn't. I have tried several of my cleaning products to remove the tape residue, but nothing has worked. Short of using a tool and scratching the wheels, is there a product that removes this stuff? Thanks

1999 Arctic Sivler/black/black (sold)
2008s Silver/black/black - so predictable
2011 Outback
8/24/2011 first Grandson
Nail Polish Remover
Petroleum Jelly
Hand Lotion
Hair Spray
Baby Oil (mineral oil)
Vinegar (soak cloth, apply then leave for awhile–even overnight)
Rubbing Alcohol
Baking Soda & Water Paste (just rub in gently then wipe off with a warm wet cloth)
Lighter Fluid
WD-40 (set for 5 minutes)
Paint Thinner
Rubber Cement Thinner
Artgum Erasers / Pencil Erasers
Peanut Butter
Vegetable Oil / Olive Oil (set for about 2 hours)
Cooking Spray
Mayonnaise (leave set for a few hours or overnight)
Goo Gone
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Furniture Polish
Eucalyptus Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Perfume / Aftershave
PVC Pipe Cleaner

For surfaces that you’re afraid to damage, try heating the goo with a hair dryer then wiping off (firmly) with a wet warm & soapy cloth.
Duct Tape (press on goo firmly, life tape up quickly, repeat as needed)
What a list! I'll mix them all up and see what happens smiling smiley

Actually, I like the heat gun (have one) idea. Fortunately, some of the goo is not near the new weights, so I can experiment w/o worrying about loosening up the new wts.

Of course after I posted I realized the easiest thing to do is call a shop to see what they use. Whatever I end up finding out and testing, I'll post the results.
old wheel weight tape and the SM said the next time I bring the car in he'll have the in house detailer clean up the wheels. Says he has something that really works. I should have gone out and asked him what he uses but it never crossed my mind. In fact now that I think about it the techs should have something that works too. They have to clean a spot off when they balance the wheel/tire.
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