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Tip for those with e-steering:
Laz - Wednesday, 19 June, 2013, at 6:13:02 pm
Don't shut the car off with the steering at full lock, as this causes a heckuva judder.
wheel at full lock.

If the engine is running avoid leaving the wheels at full lock any longer than you have to.

Could partially be due to my car's age/miles but at full lock I hear from the power steering system, mainly the pump I think. Away from full lock things quiet right down.
Yes, that, too. Seems abusive. *NM*
Laz - Wednesday, 19 June, 2013, at 8:13:42 pm
A Judder??? *NM*
TheFarmer - Thursday, 20 June, 2013, at 8:11:38 pm
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