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What?.... Oh I'm going to to burn up my Pirelli snow tires?!?! Oh shock! Oh dear.

Good 'cause I hate them.

I really really dislike these Porsche recommended N snow tires. So much so that I called Porsche to complain (felt good at least).

I used to post that I never got stuck with my 2000 Boxster S now with about 175K miles and my only driver. I used to say my Boxster was my best snow car I ever had and I meant it. Well this year, I almost got stuck in my own, plowed driveway!!!

Anyone near Philly wanna buy some lightly used casual used snow--- wait ---- winter tires? I will give you a good deal.
If you were here yesterday you could have used them. 79F on Saturday and snow on Sundaymoody smiley In fact early Sunday AM it was 70F.
Yeah, it's a rough tradeoff
Boxsterra - Monday, 4 April, 2011, at 12:50:31 pm
I did the same thing with the Blizzaks I got for my 1999 Boxster. In the winter they could drive up the side of a block of ice. But the road feel was dreadful. I switched to more sporty tires and the road feel was much better but all of a sudden there was a real risk of getting stuck in snow/slush.

It would be good to find something in between those two.
There is Dunlop Wintersport M3s
grant - Wednesday, 6 April, 2011, at 2:21:30 pm
I have them on my Audi S6 and love them.

I have M2s on my boxster. They are ok. OTOH they are also 12 years old!

I would also suggest Vreedstein SnowTracs

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