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It's hard to believe it's been a little more than 5 years since I became part the Boxster world and Pedro's Board, but it's been one of the most enjoyable periods of my life. Here's a bit about how I got here.

I guess it all started back in the 1970's when I knew more than one person who owned a 914. It remains a "love/hate" car for many, but I was smitten. I loved the way it was so low to the road, handled like the proverbial go-kart, and it's engine was right behind my head. Life happened (marriage, kids, divorce, college costs, 2nd marriage) and I never did get myself a 914. However, after the last of my 3 kids was finishing college I began to think it might be time to make my long held desire come true....mid-life crisis, some say. My wife's cousin still had the 914 he bought in the 70's, and although I never told him, I always thought I might buy it when he finally was ready to sell. Then one day the phone rang, and he asked if I wanted to come up to his house to drive a new to him Porsche he picked up. Would I? Of course, but was happened to the 914? He sold it to his mechanic, as his wife was ready for something more comfortable. Ugh! They had bought a 987 Cayman. I knew nothing about the newer mid-engined P-cars, but one drive of the Cayman and I was in love! Yeah it was bigger than a 914, but it still had the balance and handling - plus WAY more giddy-up. That Flat 6 sound was intoxicating.

I started to seriously think about buying a fun, weekend car. I'd never owned an open top car, so that was a #1 priority. My budget was up to about $20k. Being a long time Honda driver, I was first drawn to the S2000. Miata's were in the convo was well, as my neighbor had one. Both these cars were fine, but had a severe lack of luggage space - something that is needed when one wants to take a multi-day road trip with his wife. Then, I remembered the Cayman, and recalled my wife's cousin telling me it was basically the same car as the Boxster - a car with two trunks!

Research began in earnest on Boxster's, and what is the first thing one learns about? The IMSB ticking time bomb, of course! I joined the forums and read every single thing I could about the issue. I'm not rich guy, and couldn't afford to have an engine grenade. I read all about the aftermarket fixes (ceramic bearings, roller bearings, etc.) that were out there and then claims they made. That's when I found this guy named Pedro. I read every word on the Pedros Garage site. I found out he was the tech expert on Boxster/Cayman for the PCA, too. Without going into the pros and cons of all the IMSB "solutions" out there, I found myself - not a true gear-head in any sense - drawn to the simplicity of the DOF idea. It just seemed to make sense to me.

I started to focus on the 986 as in was in my budget, and I preferred it's looks to the 987. Not being a Porsche die hard, I had no problem with the "fried egg" headlights that so many hated. It was a pure, analog, open top driver's car. I began the 986 search. Lo and behold, the man himself, Pedro, was selling one that fit the bill. He had "saved it from the crusher" as a roller, and installed a completely rebuilt 2.7L M96 - with DOF. My wife loved the dark blue over tan color combo, too. I reached out and expressed I was interested in the car, but it seemed the car had been promised to someone else. Heartbreak! But, after a few days, Pedro called me to say the other buyer had to back out and the car could be mine after all. We booked the first flight to Ft. Lauderdale, Pedro picked us up at the airport and drove us back to his garage. There it was - the first 986 I ever sat in. We sealed the deal, and after visiting family in Miami, drove it 1,300 miles home to Boston.

Since that day (September 24, 2015), we have had more fun, met more great people, and gone on more adventures than I could have ever imagined. We've driven the car about 50,000 miles since then, on too many trips to mention - multiple BRBS, Amelia Island Werks Reunion, Hershey Swap Meets, Boardwalk Reunion, etc, etc. The car has been a trouble-free dream. I've met folks from this board and the PCA Boxster Register, and made lifelong friends. They helped me with DIY projects and we've shared a few frosty, adult beverages along the way. I even served on the Board of Directors of my local PCA regional club. It's been one long Permagrin for me.

But, when I think back on it, getting to know Pedro a little bit and counting him as one of my friends, has been a real pleasure. I often refer to him to other as a peach of a guy. Yes, he' a businessman that wants to make money, but he's so passionate and sharing. He's always available with a FREE word of advice, either on PB or via email or phone. When it comes to Boxster's - he's been there and done that. I'm not sure if there is a "Pedro" in the S2000 or Miata community, but we sure are lucky to have him. So, thanks for all you have done and will continue to do for us, Pedro!


2003 Boxster Base - Midnight Blue Metallic, Savanna Beige, Metropol Blue

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2020 09:47AM by Boxsterra.
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I used to work in media. One of the perks some of our writers had were loaner cars to test drive and hopefully write about. In 2001 those nice folks at Porsche Canada offered me a Porsche for a week just to enjoy. I wasn't a writer but my interest in sports cars and racing was widely known. They were just being nice to me. They delivered a Zenith blue Boxster to my office. I drove it home and couldn't stop smiling for the entire time I had it. That was it, I had to have a Boxster.I offered to buy the press car from Porsche but they declined. Boxsters were hard to come by in 2001 with a long wait list and cars being sold above list price. I couldn't wait and found a mint 2001 Speed yellow fellow near Toronto.
My Porsche journey had begun. The car drove, handled and communicated better than any car I had owned. It was fabulous and I couldn't get enough of the Boxster knowledge and mystic. I found an on line forum Porsche Petes Boxster Board (PPBcool smiley and became hooked. Hooked on the knowledge , enthusiasm and welcome offerings of suggestion and support from owners, lurkers and waiters. The forum was vibrant and super active and evolving.
I had my bumperettes sent from Toronto to Bumper Plugs to be painted. A forum member from California sent a spare side vent to me. I had a tonneau ordered from Suncoast in Sarasota. I had door sill guards from a forum member. I also had a PPBB shirt and hat. I couldn't get enough and fully enjoyed being immersed in the passion from forum members.
Of course when Chuck had had enough things went sideways for a while until Pedro came to the rescue and thank goodness he did. I don't post very often anymore but I do read the posts and get an idea of whats going on. I still to this day struggle to post pics.
My lovely speed yellow 986 is still fabulous. Driven only 62,000 kms it is in pristine condition. I have tracked the car at Mosport, Shannonville and Mt Tremblant. tried AutoX too. I only drive it in nice weather with the top down. I have had virtually no issues whatsoever with my car through almost 20 years of ownership. Just tires, routine maintenance and very frequent oil changes. It still gets thumbs up and admiring looks from other drivers, amazes me.
So Pedro, admin folks and forum members , thank you for making my journey a memorable one.
Thanks Pedro, now where's my hat??
No worries. Great story!


2003 Boxster Base - Midnight Blue Metallic, Savanna Beige, Metropol Blue
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