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Hey, Maurice
Roger987 - Wednesday, 23 May, 2012, at 10:56:00 pm
Quick update on that elastic strap that guides the edge of the roof canvas (near the back of the side window) into the channel in the roof frame.

At BRBS last year, you showed me how to replace that strap (on the passenger side), and suggested I use a wider piece of elastic.

Well, the driver's side one began to fail this week. But I had planned ahead and brought with me a piece of elastic cut to fit. I also brought a torx bit for that screw/bolt.

A half hour later, the new elastic is in place and the roof is working like new.

Many thanks again, for your help. I'd not have been able to do this had you not shown me how.
Re: Hey, Maurice
MauriceonLongIsland - Wednesday, 23 May, 2012, at 11:29:17 pm
My pleasure entirely, Roger!

You must have been a boy scout. You were all prepared and set up to fix the other side before it had a chance to ruin your day!

The wider strap should last much longer and keep the cable in the guide channel.

Good work! drinking smiley

Only six days before we leave for BRBS!~!

Regards, Maurice.
Or are you subscribed to Abe's teaching: "Smuggling new Porsche parts into Canada a DIY"

grinning smiley
Smarty pants; you're just trying to get me going...

See, Burg, the problem is - you tend to log on when you think there might be a 'racy' post, but then you miss some of the posts with meat on the bones. Wait, that's not quite what what I meant. Anyway, here's an example of work done at home, with me sliding around beneath the car on axle stands (don't try this in the hotel parking lot):


I actually DID replace the passenger side elastic with a wider piece on the eve of my departure, but didn't want to mess with the driver's side, as it was still working fine. However, on road trips, the roof (that's 'roof' Burg - stay on track here) is up and down quite a bit, as I tend to put it up if I'm leaving the car unattended for more than a few minutes.That accelerated the wear.

The steering wheel - my decision to go with the custom done-by-hand job came too late for the wheel to make it back home before I left (the border can slow things down to a crawl). Of course, sometimes it adds a sense of adventure to do it in the parking lot. As Maurice said - a former boy scout is always prepared. winking smiley
My apologies, Abe...
Burg Boxster - Thursday, 24 May, 2012, at 11:45:08 am
I thought your only picture posts w/ meat were of bovine or sweater variety. You've proven you can do the former whilst on road but question is if you can accomplish the latter on your latest smuggling expedition grinning smiley
Re: My apologies, Abe...
Roger987 - Thursday, 24 May, 2012, at 10:42:52 pm
Well, Burg, my man, I'm sorry, but that's gonna remain my secret. smiling smiley

BTW, where IS Abe?
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