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... on the different forums. He was a registered user here, but never posted. Most likely he did the same at some of the other forums as well. There are a LOT of PB Members that have never posted... ever. We welcome all of our members to be active and post, even if to just say hi! Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... The Boxster community lost another great enthusiast. I just learned that my dear friend Tommy Uzzo from New York passed away on the 6th. He had a very well taken care of 1997 Boxster that was his pride and joy. Some years ago he had fought cancer and the Boxster was his therapy once he was cancer free. Laboring over what parts to buy and what work he would do after his chemo treatments kept hby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
The Aux input may have an attenuator and or the output level of the Bluetooth is too low. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Those errors indicate too much air in the system (vacuum leak). Carefully check all your connections in the intake. If it's not obvious you can start the engine in idle and pinpoint-spray starter fluid or carb cleaner around all of the rubber fittings. When you hit the leak the idle speed will accelerate. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Debby played nice with us. Not so with the folks further south between Sarasota and Ft Myers. Some communities there are still flooded. The head of the Anclote River is just 1/2 a mile from us so all of our excess rain water that overflows our rain ponds go to the river which empties in Tarpon Springs on the Gulf. Wind wasn't bad here either. We had a few 60 mph gusts which didn't do any Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum in no way a DIY project. Even professional upholstery shops with decades of experience have found out and send their customer's door cards to me. Same with many, many Porsche Dealerships. When they take in a trade in that has delaminating door panels, guess where they send them. The repair is not about the adhesive, as most people believe, it's much more complex than that. It involves a lby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
There's no (environmental) debate that would hold up on the side of EV vs Hydrogen. • The destruction of tons of earth to obtain the rare earth elements and other to build a battery. • The (negative) impact on the environment from the equipment and power sources used to produce the EV batteries. • The (negative) impact when the batteries have to be discarded since now, because the low volumby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... since in my book they "Jumped the Shark" some time ago, but now doubled up by announcing the death of the ICE Boxster/Cayman platforms. I think Porsche went all-in, too quickly with electrification and it will backfire on them. In Europe it's mandated but elsewhere in the world it will take time for the consumer to accept alternative power for their cars. At least we still have a choiceby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Hi Ed: So sorry to hear, but glad you're recovering. Never argue with a tree (or your wife)! Get well soon. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
PedrosBoard PS: Happy Belated Canada Day to our fiends from the Great White North!by Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... remembering Just Chuck. Still miss you, my friend. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... many times you don't need to dump coolant. Just pinch the lines with pinching pliers. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Ian is a real nice guy! Had a chance to meet him and chat a few minutes at last year's SEMA. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... his name is Grant Larson and he was the designer of the 986 Boxster. After all these years he still designs special projects for Porsche. Even though I had met him many years ago, we hadn't had the opportunity to chat. This year we were both presenters at The PCA Porsche Parade in Birmingham and we had a chance to talk. I told him: "Grant, your design changed my life!" ... and he responded: "by Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
I'm confused. The 986's emergency frunk emergency cable is not in the front left wheel well, it's under the front right headlamp. The 987s have the cable release in the front left wheel well. Even if the remote doesn't work and the battery is dead you should be able to open the left door with the physical key. If the driver's door doesn't work, many of the '97s also have a key-operated door lockby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
... to each and every father on this board. Enjoy your day. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
987s are notorious for doing that. Its usually a voltage thing. If the battery is weak or dies, it will not release the key. Open the fusebox and look at the cover, on the inside. There should be a thin, long wire tool shaped inn place. Insert that wire into the key release hole on the ignition's rosette. That should allow you to remove the key. Replace the battery. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Is anyone here going to or already at Porsche Parade 2024? If so, enjoy! I'll be there for the Tech Tactics Tech Session where I'm presenting: "There's a Fix for that!". Hope to see some of you there! Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Best is to do a scan with a PST-II or Durametric to see what's stored. It could still be a CPS that acts up when hot (I've see that a few times). And as Trygve states it could be a fuel issue (pump or relay). I'm sure your mechanic will figure it out. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
When the coolant reservoir cracks it generally leaks into the trunk, not into the fill area. That's the strongest part of the reservoir and I've never seen a crack there. Most likely, as was said, it may be the coolant cap. Make sure that you have an OEM blue cap with the part number ending in 04. Less likely the pressure relief valve could also leak. It's easy to find a leak in the coolant syby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
For all those attending BRBS 2024, have fun and be safe. Please say hi to all my "old" friends. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
… we remember and we honor those who gave it all. PedrosBoardby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
We only had 60% coverage, here in Tampa Bay, but even so, you could feel and see the difference. Since the first waves to be blocked are the Infra reds, you couldn't feel the warmth of the sun and all the colors were off! My wife and I travelled 800 miles for the previous one and it was awesome. I'll start making plans for the one in 2052. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Enjoy! Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Blue Ridge Boxster Summit (BRBS)
You could have one of your idler rollers of the poly-ribbed belt starting to fail. That could create an intermittent screeching sound. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Every 981 and 991 door panel will delaminate, no matter where or how you keep it. Warmer climates accelerate the delimitation but I'm getting quite a few Canadian cars that are also having delimitation issues. Check out my website so you can send them to us. The sooner you send them in for repairs, the cheaper it will be and the better they will look when repaired, Sincerely, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Since I'm a math nerd, I'd like to wish you all a happy π day. Make sure to take a bite of your pie today 3/14 at exactly 1:59:26 ( I don't think it matters whether it's AM or PM). Happy Porsche'ing, Pedro PS: This site is really slow! Even I haven't visited in a Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
The LCD screen is damaged (heat/age/environment). I've seen it get better but it will mostly keep deteriorating. Replacing the LCD is the real solution. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
Could be a small leak from the RMS. If it is that, the main problem is that it will damage the elastometer in the dual mass flywheel. Get under the car to find out where the drop of oil is coming down from. Happy Boxstering, Pedroby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum
You need to do some research in your case. The problem with LED bulbs on cars is that they don't generally have the same light pattern as standard halogen or xenon bulbs and replacing them may give you really bad illumination and/or could affect oncoming traffic which may make your car illegal at night. Find out if anyone has done it (from xenon to LED) and what was their results. It's easier forby Pedro (Odessa, FL) - Main Forum